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    Komodo Island Has Been Choosen as The Most Popular Destination

    Penulis: Antonius Rahu | Editor:Tim Redaksi
    31 Desember, 2017, 11:40 WIB Last Updated 2018-01-14T13:08:39Z
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    Komodo dragon, source Metro.co.uk

    [Congkasae.com/Travel] Komodo Island, has been choosen as one of the favorite destination for tourist attraction, according to Metro.co.uk, a life style Magazine base in United Kingdom.

    The island is located in Manggarai Barat, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Komodo Island was become one of popular place to be explore according to Metro.co.uk Magazine.

    According to that report, Metro magazine describe the beautiful Komodo Island as the homeland of Komodo Dragon.
    padar island part of Komodo National Park

    "When you do the boat tour to Komodo island, you kind of prepare yourself for the fact that you might not actually see any Komodo dragons. Like when you trek through jungle, you might not get to see the orangutans or the rhinos or the tigers,"said the Metro.co.uk.

     "So it was a bit of a surprise when we strolled down the boardwalk and one was right there, lumbering around on the beach. That shadow was cast by the pier - we really couldn't have seen one any earlier in the trip. Needless to say, they were awesome. In the real sense of the word,"Metro's add.

    According to that report, just five island in the world play host to these weird and wonderful creatures and all are contain within Komodo National Park.

    "If wildlife is your thing then surely nothing is more appealing than real life dragon,"said Metro magazine.
    Rinca island parat of Komodo National Park

    Earlier, Vogue Magazine base in United State Set Komodo Island as one of the recomendation for tourist attraction for summer holidays.

    Vogue Magazine describes the beauty of Komodo Island by writing if visiting this island, the visitor will get something different. 


